Giovanni Capelli
Membership Code
Imola (BO),
Type of choir
Sacred polyphony
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The Interparish Choir of Imola was born in 1998.
Over the years it has gathered people from different parishes of the Diocese, thus assuming a diocesan identity.
The Interparish Choir, since the year of its foundation, intends to retrace the experience of the Choir of the Diocese of Rome, born in the 80s from an idea of Msgr. Marco Frisina, an illustrious name in the panorama of contemporary sacred music, and then performs the repertoire of Msgr. Marco Frisina.
There are more and more opportunities for encounter, exchange and friendship between the members of the two choral realities, geographically distant but close through the music that unites us in Christ.
For this reason the sacred pieces performed by the Interparish Choir are written and orchestrated by maestro Monsignor Marco Frisina and the educational proposal is the same as that of the Choir of the Diocese of Rome.
The Choir wants to be a reality of service, which makes present through the media mode of singing, the proclamation of the Word of God, proclaiming its beauty and the plan of love that God has for all humanity.
Art is at the service of Truth and the Gospel, there is great power of art and in a special way of music which, unlike all other arts, is the most ephemeral, yet the most deeply rooted in the life of men. Music is a privileged instrument that the Lord gives us to touch the hearts of men.
The Church has always recognized in this art a very important role, capable of directing the heart of humanity towards the recognition of the beauty of God and therefore to praise him.
As St. Augustine taught, “music conveys the revealed Word: its purpose is to please to attract men and to move their souls to convert them”.
The Interparish Choir wants to bring man to prayer, and sensitize him to the recognition of that beauty. It wants to be an instrument through which the formation of people available to be the presence and proclamation of the message of love and holiness brought by Christ, proclaimed through song, lived as prayer, is promoted.
Through this experience, we want to offer and foster a personal and community spiritual growth, through the proclamation of the Word of God sung and set to music, so that it may better enter people’s hearts, so that by hearing and living interiorly what we sing, we may create that exchange of communion in prayer with those who listen.
The experience of the Choir can be inserted in the great project for the new evangelization of the Third Millennium.
In this perspective, concerts are proposed, not only as musical events, but above all as useful moments to offer paths of evangelization through music.
Each concert therefore also constitutes an important catechetical moment that is inserted in the times of the liturgical year and in the various occasions of the Church’s life.
Each concert wants to offer everyone the opportunity to experience how song and music can help us discover the face of God, and how they can make us vibrate in harmony with His word, making us better understand it and learning to appreciate better and better the joy of singing the Lord.
Lugo (RA) – Italy
Rimini – Italy