The Masterclass is dedicated to the exploration of extremely engaging repertoires for all choristers, from the youngest to the always young! The strands object of the work will be due:- very accurate elaborations of music of the popular tradition of various regions, from Italy to the Basque Country;
– arrangements of pop songs taken from the repertoire of Italian songwriters such as De Andrè or from the timeless classics of the Beatles.
During the Masterclass the vocal manual “ITER VOCALIS” specific for the choirs will be illustrated.
Participants will receive a certificate valid for obtaining training credits.
Holder of the chair of Choral Exercises at the “Rossini” Conservatory of Pesaro, where he held the course of Executive Practice (for the two years of Choir Conducting) and takes care of the preparation of the Chorus of white voices.
Graduated in Singing (didactic branch) and in Choral Music and Choral Conducting at the “Cherubini” Conservatory of Florence, he has carried out the activity of choir director for many years collaborating with prestigious ensembles with which he has held concerts in France, Germany, Belgium, Austria, Portugal, Greece, Czech Rep., Latvia and Spain.
He was vice president and member of the artistic commission of the FE.N.I.A.R.CO and is currently a founding member of the Category Association of Italian Choir Conductors.
Graduated in architecture at “La Sapienza” in Rome, she obtained a second level academic diploma in Choir Conducting and Choral Composition at the G. Rossini Conservatory of Pesaro.
He also follows Conducting Courses (Italian Conducting Academy in Milan), Jazz Singing courses, seminars and masterclasses for youth choir conductors and white voice choir conductors. After directing various polyphonic formations, he founded and directed the Coristi a Priori, a highly attended youth choir from Perugia. For several years he has been a choir teacher at the Didactic Circle of Magione and the I.C. Perugia 3.