
Date: 17 – 24 April 2021 Place: ONLINE

The program, structured on three meetings, aims to open to awareness of the main issues inherent in Gregorian Chant.

17.04.2021 – 8:30 pm
The Gregorian Question
Genre and Repertoire
Notes to the ancient repertoires
La traditio musicae
18.04.2021 – 8:30 pm
Neumatic figures
Trend of Gregorian chant
Structures and forms

24.04.2021 – 8:30 pm
Musical and interpretative meaning
Examples and perspectives of a completed course

To register fill out the following form:

Registration is FREE for all members of the Choirs associated with FEDERCORI.

Michele Faustino Loda was born in 1978 in Brescia (Italy), where he obtained his Classical High School diploma in 1996.
At the Pontifical Lateran University (Vatican City) he obtained a Bachelor's Degree in Sacred Theology and subsequently a Licentiate in Fundamental Theology with honors.
Graduated summa laude in Gregorian Chant at the Pontifical Institute of Sacred Music (Vatican City) with Franz Karl Praβl, he obtained the Master's Degree in Prepolyphony at the State Conservatory of Music G. Verdi" of Turin (Italy) under the guidance of Fulvio Rampi, deserving praise and honorable mention.
He is currently Head and Conductor of the Joint Choir of the Military Ordinariate for Italy and Maestro di Cappella of the Pantheon in Rome.
Awarded with various civil and ecclesiastical merits, since 2017 he has been a Knight of the Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.

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