The Choir of the Comprehensive Institute “CINQUE MARTIRI” of Gerace was born as part of the various educational-training courses carried out with the classes of students with the aim of concretely helping to overcome difficulties (language, understanding, social, etc …) or make it clear and develop particular qualities of sensitivity and musical expression.
- Encourage social aggregation based on the exchange and sharing of music, enhancing its different origins and specificities;
- Promote the relational aspect and respect for the other by implementing the social rules of the choir, (eg respect for both the teacher and the choirmates, the “teamwork” in being a choir);
- Perform at school events (in order to help students face the emotion of the “public”);
- Sing together while having fun;
- Be aware of the right use of the voice as a musical expression;
- Knowing how to sing in tune with one or more voices;
- Knowing how to acquire awareness of one’s own voice as a musical instrument, also to express oneself;
- Knowing how to collaborate with their choir mates, reaching the final goal in the performance of a choral piece;
- Improve lateral and bilateral motor coordination through rhythmic practice, also with the use of simple rhythmic and / or melodic instruments;
- Improve language skills (pronunciation, rhythmic scanning of words, approach with foreign languages, etc …);
- Development of attention span and concentration;
- Development of mnemonic abilities;
- Knowledge and awareness