Montesilvano Hotels
Montesilvano Hotels
Gianfranco Onesti
Membership Code
Montesilvano (PE),
United Kingdom
Type of choir
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Born in 2006, the choral formation in a short time has become an authentic reality in the folkloric music scene of our region. The same intends to spread the musical culture and pass on the expression of the popular song of Abruzzo less found in our young urban context of reference. Always directed by Maestro Gianfranco Onesti, it currently has over 45 elements of all ages, from the most varied professions and social backgrounds. The choir, whose President is Mrs. Maria Antonietta Ruggieri and the Vice President – coordinator is Mrs. Rosanna Mazzocchetti, in October 2011 was reconstituted within the Cultural Association “Nuovi Orizzonti”. From 17 December 2011 to date the choir has participated and held 83 concerts in the following locations: Montesilvano – Teatro del Mare – Chiesa S. Giovanni Bosco – park “Giovani Paolo II” – PalaSenna – Via Sele – Hotel Prestige – Piazza Giardino M. Colle – Viale Europa – Church of St. Michael the Archangel – Convent of Carmelite Sisters – Church of Our Lady of Carmel – Piazza Guy Moll; Vast; Salerno (Salerno festival 2014); Pescara 55/56/57/58 Settembrata Abruzzese – XII choir festival – Aeroporto Liberi – Porto Turistico – Cinema Teatro CIRCUS – Aurum; Silvi Marina Hotel Hermitage ; Caldari of Ortona; Valentine’s Day in Abruzzo Citeriore; Giuliano Teatino; Civitaquana; Città S. Angelo Teatro Comunale – Chiesa S. Agostino; Roccamontepiano; Pineto – Teatro Comunale – Parco del Cerrano; Roccascalegna; Torrevecchia Teatina; Francavilla al Mare – Michetti Museum – Church M. of the Pretara; Atri Piazza Duchi d’Acquaviva. The “Madonna del Carmelo” Choir, in December 2016, obtained the institutional patronage of the Municipality of Montesilvano, followed by the Civic Administration of which the Civic Administration conferred the new Banner and the Cockades depicting the City Coat of Arms. The choir, having received the new identification, organized the “I Rassegna Folkloristica Città di Montesilvano”, an itinerant summer event divided into four evenings in which important groups historically counted among those who contribute to keeping alive the singing tradition of the Abruzzo Region participated. On Sunday, December 10, 2017, the choir performed at the Sanctuary of St. Gabriel, participating in the Solemn Mass held inside the modern Basilica and performing, subsequently, Christmas carols in the ancient Basilica. As part of the Christmas events – 2017 – promoted by the Municipality of Montesilvano, the choir organized the second edition of the concert “Note in festa” which was attended by the writer and popularizer Camillo Chiarieri and the pianist M ° Leonardo Pierdomenico.
Montesilvano (PE) – Italy
Manoppello (PE) – Italy