Manuela Abballe
Membership Code
Sora (FR),
Type of choir
Sacred polyphony
Site / Email
The choir was born in 1998 only for children’s voices and almost for fun. The musical activity at the beginning was born
to accompany liturgical celebrations in the Basilica of San Domenico.
The unexpected appreciation of the initiative has seen the number of participants grow considerably
so since 2000 the CORO POLIFONICO S. DOMENICO has been established and in 2004 the association “LE VOCI”
The participants of the choir professionals and not, coming from various municipalities of our territory have
a great desire to learn, thanks to the great miracle of music, capable “… to know how to unite more people than
language, religion, ethnic groups and different social classes with the sole intention of transmitting a message of peace and love”.
The Association is composed of a Concertante Polyphonic Choir of about 60 elements and makes use of
also of an orchestral group of about 30 elements and a choir of White Voices. It is directed by M°
Manuela Abballe and prepared in collaboration with Maestro Alberto Petricca and Avv. Emilio Cancelli.
He has collaborated and collaborates with the Provincial Administration of Frosinone, with the Lazio Region and
with other Associations in various events and exhibitions.
Its characteristic is the study and research on 3 musical genres: Classical, Light and Gospel. with
the only objective to deepen and expand their musical horizons.
He attended courses in Gregorian chant held by Maestro Don Ildebrando Cistercian monk of the Abbey
by Casamari.
He edited the gospel pronunciation with the guidance of Prof. Gianni Blasi.
Some choristers attended a master class of Vocal jazz ensemble by Mimi Rohlfing,
Professor at Columbia College of Chicago and Conductor of Columbia College Chicago Vocal Jazz
Ensemble at università G. D’Annunzio of Chieti-Pescara.
He has participated in various Gospel seminars (Gospel Summit Anagni collaborating in the recording of 1
Cd and Gospel Connection and Assisi), events widely broadcast by state television networks along with others
Italian choirs, under the direction of professionals who came directly from New Orleans, thus being able to
compare with other musical realities at national and international level.
He animated a solemn Sunday celebration, live on television on Mediaset-Rete 4, at the
new Sanctuary of S. Pio in S. Giovanni Rotondo.
He has recorded 2 CDs: “Crescere in Armonia” and “Le Voci del Cuore in Gospel” with the Guest Star
American Deidre Valentain.
He has organized various events including:
On January 27, 2011 he organized in collaboration with the Municipality of Isola del Liri and with the Region
Lazio, an event on the occasion of the Day of Remembrance. This event involved the Jewish Community of Rome, the middle and elementary schools of the Municipality of Isola del Liri with a competition, a choir of
Alpini, the religious and political institutions of the territory through a competition, a conference and a concert.
He organized the “I rassegna corale nazionale Città di Sora 2012”, in collaboration with the Municipality
of Sora, the Province of Frosinone and the Lazio Region.
As part of the solemn celebrations of the Millennium of the foundation of the current Basilica and the
Monastery of S. Domenico Abate in Sora held two events: a concert of Gregorian chants and a
concert on the Hymns of the Saint from the origins to the present day, with careful research and reworkings for several voices
He carried out a project with immigrants in collaboration with the Caritas Diocesana Sora,
Cassino, Aquino and Pontecorvo to deepen the study of African music and in particular of Gospel.
He has collaborated several times with various educational circles realizing important events.
He has always held the opening concert of the Christmas holidays of our territory at the Basilica
of S. Domenico Abate in Sora.
He collaborated with Telethon during the marathon in Sora and held various concerts for the Association
Italian against Cystic Fibrosis.
He has performed several times and on several occasions at the Biomedical Campus in Rome, in the Prefecture,
at the Provincial Administration of Frosinone.
For several years he has been organizing the event “Growing in Harmony” dedicated to the young talents of our
territory in collaboration with other musical realities.
On December 28, 2012 he held the New Year’s Eve Concert at the Abbey of Casamari in
collaboration with the Ensemble Cameristico of Naples.
The constant cultural and numerical growth of the Association has also been possible thanks to
the encouragement, welcome and closeness of the monks of St. Dominic who also put to
arrangement of the premises of the Basilica for rehearsals.
The Choir with youth string orchestra curated by Maestro Simona Reale accompanies the liturgy of the
Mass on Christmas Day and the first communions on the various summer dates.
Castel Gandolfo (RM) – Italy
Rome – Italy