Rino Adamo
Membership Code
Via Papa Giovanni XXIII –
Arona (NO) – Italy
Type of choir
Sacred Polyphony
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The Tre Ponti Choir takes its name from the homonymous locality of Aronese and is closely linked to one of the churches of the parish of Mercurago, dedicated to the “Immaculate Heart of Mary” but called “of the Three Bridges”, adjacent to the Pope John XXIII Kindergarten, where it carries out its weekly activity of animation of liturgical celebrations, giving particular emphasis to the most solemn celebrations such as Christmas and Easter.
The choral group has existed in practice since the inauguration of the Kindergarten itself, that is, since 1969, despite having changed its conformation, structure and size over time. It was born thanks to the impetus and commitment of the tireless group of Sisters of our. Mrs. of the Snow, who personally promote the educational and recreational activities of the Kindergarten since its foundation.
The choir began its service when the Church did not yet exist and Sunday Masses were held in the current hall/theater “Ca’ Nostra”, which was then little more than a dilapidated shed. At that time there was no real choral formation but rather a group of willing singers who arranged themselves as best they could by being accompanied, in the absence of anything else, even by the accordion.
Slowly, however, things improved, the structure became more solid, the current Church was built, the choir, directed and prepared by Sister Florinda, also had an organ (if you could call it that!) and an organist, Mrs. Macrì, who for many years lent her precious work, until 1977, the year in which Rino Adamo took over, first as organist and then, from 1982, also as Conductor.
The repertoire, for the most part of a sacred character, is rather modern and draws on the religious production and Christian inspiration, especially American, of the last 25/30 years, without disdaining choral arrangements even of light music. Recently the most significant experiences have been the staging of the opera “Dal Basso della Terra” together with the San Giorgio Choir and a group of musicians on the occasion of the first and then the tenth anniversary of the death of Pope John Paul II, and the show “La buona novella” by Fabrizio De Andrè, in collaboration with the Bolognese group of “Mille papaveri rossi”.
The current polyphonic formation, which reflects the approach given about ten years ago, is composed of about thirty choristers and mainly carries out an activity of liturgical “service” but also actively participates in “local” choral events, such as, for example, the annual Concerto del Tredicino, together with all the choirs of Aronese. The choir has also given up several concerts, “Dolce Energia”, “I will sing with the spirit – Hymns & Gospel” and “Canto di gioia! Between sacred and profane all the colors of music” to date performed in Arona, Armeno, Casale Corte Cerro, Carcegna, Castelletto Ticino, Paruzzaro, Terdobbiate, Suno and Baraggia, Turin, Miasino, Sovazza, Veruno, Montrigiasco, Paruzzaro, Quarona, Trobaso and Soriso.
Narni (TR)- Italy