Borgocarbonara (MN) – Italy
Borgocarbonara (MN) – Italy
Simone Morandi
Adriano Moi
Membership Code
Borgocarbonara (MN),
Type of choir
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The choral "Humana Vox" is a formation composed of about thirty choristers with choral experiences of various kinds; was founded in 2005 on the initiative of Maestro Simone Morandi, current director. The repertoire ranges from sacred music to secular music passing from spirituals to a cappella arrangements of famous pieces. In its 15 years of activity the choir has already had many concerts to its credit and has established collaborations with other choral groups both Italian and foreign.
Among the various performances to be noted: participation in concerts in Bolzano and Merano from 2005 to 2010 as part of the events of the Circolo Virgiliano of Bolzano; in 2015 the exhibition "Matilde, the Places of the Great Countess" and the event "Canto cento Canto pace" held in the Arena di Verona together with other 6000 choristers from all over Italy; the exhibition "L'Incanto a Palazzo" held in the Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, in 2017 and 2018; the "Sabato in Coro" festival in Biella in 2018; finally, in 2019 the exhibition "L'incanto a Polirone" in the Polyronian basilica of San Benedetto Po (MN) as part of the exhibition on Giulio Romano.