Lamezia Terme
Lamezia Terme
ConductorRosa D’Audino
Membership Code
Lamezia Terme (CZ),
Type of choir
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The Polyphonic Aulòs was founded in Lamezia Terme in 1999 on the initiative of Maestro Rosa D’Audino, graduated in Piano, Music Teaching, Choral Conducting and Choral Composition at the Conservatory “S. Giacomantonio” of Cosenza, who is its founder and at the same time director. He embarks on his artistic journey using members passionate about choral music, who, although not most of them are deep connoisseurs of music, thanks to the determination and great competence of Maestro D’Audino grow in itinere, thus managing to build a partnership that has come to the attention of the most important stages not only Calabrian but also national and international.
Contributed to the affirmation and success of the Polyphonic pianist Paola D’Audino, graduated in Piano and Harpsichord at the Conservatory “F. Torrefranca” of Vibo Valentia, who for a long time accompanied the group during its performances.
From 2001 to today the Polyphonic Aulòs makes a long journey always on the rise and over the years has established itself as one of the most appreciated choirs in the region. It is a promoter of cultural initiatives related to the world of music, also devoting itself to the search for ancient music to make them known to an increasingly wide audience. It is assisted by a valid group of professional musicians who from time to time alternate in accompanying the various pieces proposed in the concerts. His repertoire ranges from ancient to classical Polyphony, from romantic to modern, from negro-spirituals to musicals, from operettas to the revival of pieces by great Calabrian composers up to opera pieces.
A repertoire, therefore, cultured and committed to the choice of songs and the careful and qualified direction and interpretation. Are part of his repertoire, for sacred music, works by Perosi; Frisian; Beithier; Lots; Pier Luigi da Palestrina; Mozart; Schubert etc.; for opera and film music works by Bernstein; Morricone; Marletta; And.A.Mario; Modugno; Cilea; Mascagni; Florin; Florimo; Etc…
The Polyphonic Aulòs, as well as in Lamezia and in various Calabrian centers, performed in the Vatican, in front of the Holy Father John Paul II; in the sumptuous Salone dei Cinquecento at Palazzo Vecchio in Florence; he participated, always in the Vatican, in the XXVII° National Congress of Sacred Music; he participated in the Holy Mass and the concert of Sacred Music held in the Cathedral of Lamezia Terme, both directed by Msgr. Marco Frisina; he realized the concert “Omaggio a S. Francesco di Paola” held at the Teatro Grandinetti in Lamezia Terme from which a CD was taken with the solo voices of Paola Magno and Christian Cozzoli and the narrating voice of the Vatican radio commentator Orazio Coclite; participated in the closing of the Year for Priests in the Vatican in the presence of His Holiness Benedict XVI; he accompanied the Holy Mass for a priestly ordination in S. Ferdinando (RC) celebrated by Mgr. Bregantini; held a concert on the occasion of the conferral of Honorary Citizenship to Gen. Cretella, of the Guardia di Finanza; he realized the concert celebrating the 150th anniversary of the unification of Italy “150 years on the thread of memory”, for which he obtained the recognition of the Official Logo by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage, in the Grandinetti Theater of Lamezia Terme and from which a CD was taken; participated as a guest at the European Project MUSIPAP, in Valencia (Spain) as part of the XXXII Retrobem la Nostra Mùsica, a meeting between the choirs GROUPE PROVENCAL MONIQUE SARRADE (France), CORAL JUVENIL SILVIA MARQUES (Portugal), CORAL de VEUS (Spain) and NON SOLO TANGO (Italy); held a concert in Trebisacce (CS) on the occasion of the conclusion of the celebratory days in honor of his fellow citizen, gold medal Alfredo Lutri, and was accompanied, for some songs, by the Fanfare of the Bersaglieri of Lucca; she was invited to perform in the most important institutional venue in Italy: the Aula di Montecitorio on the occasion of the Christmas Concert 2012; in January 2013 she was awarded the Anthurium Prize; in July 2014 he held a concert “Alla riscoperta degli autori calabresi” with solo voices of the Teatro Cilea in Reggio Calabria; in September 2014 he organized a “Charity Concert” for Caritas in collaboration with musicians of the Teatro “S. Carlo” in Naples and with the 2nd regiment “Sirio” Aviation of the Army of Lamezia Terme; in December 2014 he held the concert “Canto dell’Anima” for which he received the Medal of Merit of the President of the Republic Giorgio Napolitano; in June 2015 he held a concert with music for the cinema for the Rotary Club of Lamezia Terme di Lamezia Terme; on October 8, 2016, supported by a professional opera choir, he accompanied a concert by tenor Vittorio Grigolo at the Teatro Rendano in Cosenza and in December 2016, the young group of The Polyphonic, Aulòs Gospel Choir held a gospel concert with the singer Cheryl Porter at the Teatro Rendano in Cosenza, repeating the experience in December 2017 with other opera singers and high-level instrumentalists. Also in 2017 he participated in “1000 voices for Amatrice” in Ruvo di Puglia in aid of the reconstruction of the Teatro di Amatrice after the earthquake. She is often invited to choral festivals throughout the region and in 2018 she held concerts on the “Great War” in Puglia and Calabria.
Tolve (PZ)- Italy
Lamezia Terme (CZ)- Italy