Marino Ride
Claudia Mantovani
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Mantua (MN),
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Born from the initiative of a group of parents who love music and choral singing with the primary intent of involving the children of the homonymous Elementary School of Mantua, the Schola Cantorum "Pietro Pomponazzo" began its activity in 1995. In the following years the Schola Cantorum defined itself as a mixed-voice adult choir. It is currently directed by Maestro Marino Cavalca.
She has been the protagonist of numerous concerts also in collaboration with chamber orchestras and established soloists and has produced a CD with the GLORIA Rv 588 by Antonio Vivaldi.
For three years he has been dedicated in particular to archival research aimed at investigating particular aspects of local history as well as discovering and enhancing local composers who worked between the 800 and the '900. This has allowed to present on several occasions in Mantua and in other cities almost unknown works by authors who have composed for the School of Israelite Singing active in the second half of the 800 and early '900. Among the many also the master Lucio Campiani co-founder and teacher of the same School. In particular, these pieces were proposed in October 2016, on the occasion of the first Review of Jewish Music by Autori Mantovani, in the prestigious "Sala di Manto" of Palazzo Ducale in Mantua, an exhibition curated by the Pomponazzo Association.
On the occasion of the first centenary of the death (1914) of Lucio Campiani, the Schola Cantorum Pomponazzo proposed, among other pieces, an unpublished work by the Maestro, the "Kyrie", presented in absolute premiere in a concert at the Teatro Sociale in Mantua, together with the Boni civic choir of Viadana and with the orchestra of the Conservatory of Mantua.
Currently the specific research on the relationships maintained by Maestro Campiani with the Israelite Choral School continues, involving experts in the field.
In 2016, on the occasion of the event of "Mantova Italian Capital of Culture" he performed some Risorgimento concerts, including the concert "Or that in the jubilation of this Feast" in the Teatro Sociale of Mantua, on October 22, the anniversary of the Plebiscite with which 150 years ago the Mantuans voted for the annexation of Mantua to Italy, proposing other nineteenth-century unpublished works by the master Lucio Campiani.
Finally, for two years now, contemporary musical expressions have also been included in the repertoire of the "Schola Cantorum".
The tests take place every Friday from 21.00 to 22.30 at the headquarters in Via Porto 4 in Mantua.