Villa S. Giovanni
Villa S. Giovanni
Alessandra Montenero
Patrizia Arcuri
Membership Code
Villa S. Giovanni (RC),
Type of choir
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The association “Coro polifonico Città di Villa San Giovanni” was founded in 2012 and officially became an association in 2013. The choir, in its full formation, is composed of 20 elements, including altos, sopranos, basses, baritones and non-professional tenors. Some master musicians collaborate with the choir who accompany him live in his performances. The goal is to raise the name of the city internationally and nationally as well as regionally by promoting music in its various genres, from the sacred to the profane, from classical to modern. The choir has to its credit numerous concerts and competitions held in the Italian territory. Among these, the most important: Design and music under the stars (Villa S.G., Borgo Santa Trada, September 2017), International Festival Chorus Inside Advent (Pantheon, 4 December 2017, Rome), Concert of 25 April 2018 at Castello Ruffo di Scilla (RC); International Competition “V. Amato”, (Altavilla Milicia, Palermo, October 2018), Concert at santuario Maria SS. Delle Grazie San Giovanni di Gerace (8 September 2018), Greeting Concert on the occasion of the Christmas holidays at the Regional Palace of Calabria (December 2018, RC), Memorial Concert “T. Catanese” (Panorama room, Villa S.G., 6 June 2019), Concert at the end of the school year, auditorium G. Trecroci, Villa S.G., 13 June 2019), Concert “Waiting for Advent” (Fidapa, Duomo dell’Immacolata, Villa S.G., 30 November 2019). The choir has also participated in numerous concerts and reviews of sacred and secular music including the 7th international Marian festival (Altavilla Milicia, October 2018) and the 38th Polyphonic Choral Review at the Pontifical Basilica Nostra Signora delle Grazie and Santa Maria Goretti (Nettuno, 30 June 2019). He specialized by participating in the “Master class for Choral Singer in vocal and expressive technique of the chorister with the non-idiomatic reticular method” of the master Enzo Marino (10-11 March 2018, Castello Ruffo di Scilla, RC) and 21 and 22 September at aula Magna “N. Calipari” Liceo Scientifico Statale L. Win (RC).
The choir has received some important awards:
“Best Coreography” Award, International Competition Chorus Advent Rome, 1-6 December, Santa Maria in Campitelli and gold medal for artistic evaluation.
Proloco Villa S. Giovanni Award with the motivation “pride for the city”, 23 December 2017, Villa S.G.(RC).
Plaque from the Municipality of Villa San Giovanni as an association distinguished in the territory (December 2017)
Prize for the best Contemporary repertoire and Videns Prize for choreography and uniform at the International Competition “Vincenzo Amato” in Altavilla Milicia (Pa);
Appointment to the Senate as “Calabrian Excellence” at the Calipari Hall of the Regional Palace of Calabria.
The Choir has also made music videos during the covid19 health emergency period.
To learn more about Facebook: adivillasg Youtube: corocittadivillasg
CURRICULUM DIRECTOR: M.o Giusj Antonella Santacaterina, polyphonic choir director
Joseph A. Santacaterina was born in Reggio Calabria on 13/6/1978. At the age of 6 he began to study the piano. At 16 he started studying opera singing. In 2004 he graduated in education and training sciences. In 2005 she graduated in singing at the State Conservatory “F. Cilea” of Reggio Calabria, with soprano voice, under the guidance of soprano Serenella Fraschini. In 2019 he also obtained a master’s degree in Clinical Psychology. In 2015 he started a collaboration with the opera choir of the Teatro “F. Cilea” by RC with which he will participate in important musical events such as Verdi’s Requiem at the Reggio theater and at the Vittorio Emanuele II theater in Messina, the festival of the Two Seas at the ancient theater of Taormina with the staging of Pacini’s Medea, the Concert of the Musical Band of the State Police in September 2007. As a soloist he performs in numerous Italian cities and abroad in Turkey, in Ephesus and on cruise ships. In 2006 he started his journalistic career collaborating with numerous newspapers on the national territory (CalabriaOra, il Quotidiano, So.diPo-solidarietà di polizia – Ugl-polizia ed istituzioni ( OggiNoi , Blue Suite magazine etc ) and with TV broadcasters becoming web content editor for the Ministry of Cultural Heritage (iresudcalabria project). In 2012 he enrolled in the register of journalists of Calabria. In the same year he began his career as a teacher at kindergartens and primary schools. She also teaches singing in private schools. In 2013 he acquired the title of Specialization for support activities. She has numerous musical projects (pon 2013-17) and has been director and actress in the musicals Mother Teresa of Calcutta and “A Cristhmas Carol”. For about 10 years he has been managing the music therapy project “Coro” at the Casa Famiglia Cassibile in Villa S. Giovanni. In 2017 he acquired the diploma in “Music therapy for the rehabilitation of the handicap. For 19 years he directed the amateur choir “Full of grace”, of the Santuario Maria delle Grazie of Villa S.G.(RC), directs the Maria SS. choir of Porto Salvo and is artistic director and musical director of the polyphonic choir Città di Villa S. Giovanni with which he has received numerous awards: Rome, December 2017, international competition Chorus Inside International Advent, “Best Choreography” award and gold medal for artistic evaluation; Villa S.G., December 2017 Municipality of Villa S.G. and Proloco recognition as “pride for the city”; Palermo, 2018, Award for the best Contemporary repertoire and the Videns prize for choreography and uniform; Reggio Calabria, December 2018 nomination to the Choir as Calabrian Excellence at the Sala Calipari of the Regional Palace to receive an award from the President of the Senate. Numerous awards have been obtained on a personal level both for musical and journalistic talent. Among the awards: International Award “Homage to culture” Calabria for the master’s thesis in Intelligence; “Oggi noi” award (magazine of current affairs and culture) for the musical talent and the flattering journalistic start. He participated in the masterclasses in the direction of Maestro Aldo Cicconofri and Maestro Enzo Marino. He attended the Accademia di direzione di Altavilla Milicia (Pa) with Maestro Enzo Marino.
Conductor: M. Giusj Antonella Santacaterina
Piano: M. Marie Antoinette Miccoli
Violin: M. Daniela Cicco
Flute: M. Loris Longo
Female voices: Camilla Twisselman, Daniela Arcuri, Diletta Floccari, Federica Aiello, Rosaria Santamaria, Selene Mayaud, Aurora Santacaterina, Claudia Serio, Daniela Cicco, Erica Costantino, Fabrizia Loi, Giovanna Richichi, Lucia Romeo, Mariarita Romeo, Patrizia Arcuri, Male voices: -Antonio Gangeri, Giuseppe Chiofalo, Daniele Mandaglio, Gianni Santacaterina
Siderno (RC)- Italy
Paravati (VV) – Italy