Why become a Member

Joining an international choral association is like being part of a family, a network which connects entities, associations and people from all over the world allowing relationships considered impossible in the past.

Each year the international federation Chorus Inside organizes the greatest choral events in Europe and in the world reserving special conditions for its members in all festivals and providing discounts on registration fee.

Chorus Inside promotes cultural interchange among choirs through a series of activities which aims to link choral associations from all Europe. Each member can request a twinning partnership with a foreign choral association.

Find out all our benefits

More than 1000 concerts and festivals organized in 2021 in all Europe.

All partner choirs are invited to join our innumerable choral initiatives which our federation offers every year at national and international level.

Chorus Inside - International Choral Federation - APS Ente Terzo Settore · CF: 93058420691
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