Tornareccio (Italy)
Tornareccio (Italy)
Anna Antonini
Gianfranco De Francesco
Membership Code
Tornareccio (CH),
Type of choir
Site / Email
The association is configured as a heterogeneous group of people united in the unanimous intent to recognize and identify themselves within a polyphonic choir. The group was born from the desire to be together to share the joy of making music, from the request to know it better and to want to overcome the obstacles posed by not knowing, from the desire to conquer the key that allows you to enter that wonderful world that is that of music.
The purpose of the association is to encourage the establishment of a communication that opens up when it has been started, through the sound experience, a maturation of latent potential and the construction of confidence and security in oneself and in others, since music is able to involve individuals, both in groups and individually, stimulating their spontaneous expressiveness. The choral musical activity, precisely because of its power to be able to convey the creative potential and the force of socialization, becomes one of the means to overcome the differences and heterogeneity of the groups, having among its multiple purposes also that of not excluding disadvantaged people.
Another objective of the association is to disseminate the culture of music, to act as a virtual system of breaking down mental and prejudicial obstacles, of which we are all unconscious victims. The architecture of music, in fact, has no barriers, is perfectly free of them and its language is universal and always immediate, knows no prejudices or preconceptions.
Torrevecchia T. (CH)- Italy
Scerni (CH) – Italy